Our Baby Henry James arrived Thursday March 25th, 2010 at 9:11pm. He was 8lbs 13oz and 20 3/4 inches.
I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday the 23rd, and my doctor checked to see if I was dialated. I wasn't but later that night around 12:30 I noticed a little blood and slight fluid when I was going to the bathroom. I thought it was just from being checked at the doctor.
The next day (Wednesday) I worked in the evening, and I kept noticing some slight "leakage" throughout the evening, yet I still thought it was from my checkup. But after work that night I was feeling consistent crampiness. So I thought maybe they were "Braxton Hicks." So then Chuck and I started timing them to see if they were consistent enough and they were about 3-6 minutes apart. So I called the doctor in the morning and she told me to come in at 11am. She checked me and said "OH yes this is amniotic fluid, you can go to the hospital and have your baby now." HAHA WOW!! COOL!! I also found it funny because at my last appointment on Tuesday our doctor was joking with us saying how Thursday was a good day for her and that's when I should go into labor...that worked out nice then!
So we arrived at the hospital around 12:30 and checked in. I was induced at 2:00 and he was born at 9:11 so labor only lasted 7 hours. Labor went very well and I managed it without medication. The hardest most intense part was near the end when I was about 8cm dialated. But it went fairly quickly after that.
My doctor is so great. It was funny because when she came in she told me I could start pushing. She pretty much just pulled up a chair, crossed her arms and legs and just sat there waiting like she was going to casually watch a tv show or something! I remember in between contractions saying something like "this is really hard" and she said "that's why they call it labor." She also said something like "this is why I love my job, because I can just sit and watch while you do all the work." HAHA! Very funny!
The atmosphere was great, and very calming. Everyone was very quiet and encouraging. Once baby Henry started emerging our doctor just casually stood up, put on some goggles and gloves and in a couple more pushes out came Henry! It was very cool. Mama, Jenny and of course Chuck were all in the delivery room with me. Everyone was (needless to say) very excited, and after all the pushing and everything, I looked up and they were all on their cell phones calling and texting everyone about our new arrival.
Henry is such a wonderful baby and he's had LOTS of visitors already. He is so blessed to have so many loving family and friends. Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes! He sends his love and kisses to everyone!! XOXOXOXOXO
"Every good and perfect gift is from above" ~James 1:17