Monday, February 22, 2010

HOLY HUGE BELLY! (35 weeks)

I think I should have a post-it note stuck to my forehead or some kind of button when I'm out in public places that says:
"Due date: March 26th, It's a boy, Yes it is our first, Yes we are excited!"
Because EVERYWHERE I go I get asked those questions. When I worked on Friday at both my jobs, I would guesstimate that a total of 20 (or maybe more) people asked me that. I felt like a broken record. But it's understandable, my belly is getting pretty huge!
I even saw these photos and thought HOLY HUGE BELLY! HAHA!
It was funny because, again, when I was working the other day a woman came up behind me and said, "excuse me miss can I ask you a question?" And I turned around and said, "Sure." Well, her eyes went straight to my belly and she went "WHOA, I didn't even notice that you were pregnant from behind." Which is a very nice compliment, but her reaction was hilarious because when I turned around it was almost like my belly had slapped her in the face.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


We decided to paint the baby's room.
It was a nice day, Jenny and Mama helped paint also. As you can tell it is a yellow color. It is called Quiet Veranda. We liked it because it wasn't a bright obnoxious yellow, it was nice, subdued and relaxing. It will match with a lot.
So now, there is nothing in this room but a bassinet that Chuck's sister handed down to us. We are getting ready for you baby.


SEE!?! This is what happens when you rub your hands all over my tummy!!

I'm just kidding! I was at Auntie Jeannie's house and Charlie brought down this stretchy ball that had an opening on it. He put it on his head, it was funny. Then he came over and stretched it over my tummy and it actually fit. So we were having fun with this alien ball. We were laughing a lot and I wanted to share this photo.

The baby was moving around a lot when I was there too, and you could see it! So everyone gathered around for a good 10 minutes or so watching the lumps move around in my tummy.