Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This might be a bit hard to see. BUT can you see the baby's face? It's at the top of the picture, and he is looking to the left (as you are looking at it...your left) But that would be his right.

Can you see his eye? You can only see one right now (that's his left eye.) Then his nose and his lips and his chin. That's his looks good (a bit skeleton-like, but he hasn't got much fat on him yet.)

Then as you go down you see his belly and there is a black spot on his chest...that is his heart. And I think the next black spot down is his kidney.

And now for the best part...his right arm is chilling out behind his head (he was posing for the camera...he just moved that way as she was taking the picture.) HAHA!

CAN YOU SEE IT? Pretty awesome HEY!? That's a 4D picture! WOW!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wee Willy mean, it's a BOY!

I'm not sure if you can see this very well, but this is a picture of the baby's goods. If you can see...the two legs are pointing upwards on either side and his "wee willy winky" is right in between. Can you see it? It's a BOY!

The Doctor was funny. She said, "Oh yeah here are it's two legs. Do you see that in between his legs? That's a penis. YUP, it's definately a BOY!"

So that was a suprise. I for sure was thinking I was going to have a GIRL. But that's okay, I'm happy and very excited!

She took about 20 pictures! Everything looks good, it's heart, kidneys, lips, arms, legs, eyes and everything is very healthy and normal! It's really neat to see the picture of my own little baby. It will be exciting to see what it looks like when it is born!

18 and 1/2 weeks! Day of my Ultrasound!

This is me at 18 and 1/2 weeks...I will be 19 weeks on Friday.
It seems that my tummy has grown a bit quicker since week 16. Some of my pants are getting a bit tighter, but some I can still button up comfortably. Mama got me a band that I can put around my waist so I can unbutton my pants so it won't be as tight. That is pretty handy!
Well, this is the day of my ultrasound...9am! I'm pretty excited! I will find out if it is a boy or a girl!

16 weeks!

This is a close up of my Tummy at 16 weeks!

Maybe you can see a bit of a difference? Not much, but it's starting to grow a little bit.

At this appointment we got to hear the heartbeat again. This time Chuck couldn't come but Mama came and heard her grandbaby's heartbeat. That was nice that she could be there.

So far by this week I think I had gained about 4 pounds, which is normal and right on track, so that's good. The heartbeat was about the same, maybe a bit lower. The doctor said it was nice and healthy!

12 weeks!

This is me at 12 weeks!
Not much of a change yet.
This next appointment was MUCH shorter than the last. It was only about 10-15 minutes. But at this appointment we got to hear the hearbeat!
That was pretty cool! That was also another very cool and interesting experience. I could hear the little baby in there. Jenny also came with me and she said when she heard it, it freaked her out a little bit. I think it's because it also hit her that there was something in there. I mean...I didn't really look pregnant at that point at all so it was hard to think there is something in there.
The heartbeat was 174. So "old wives tales" say that a heartbeat over 140 "promises" a girl...we'll have to see about that!

9 weeks!

This is me at 9 weeks!
My first doctors appointment was my 8th week. This was the longest appointment so far because I had to meet with the nurse and answer some questions about health history etc. She laughed and said "wow this is great you guys are so laid back." I wonder if she was expecting us to be freaking out or nervous. But it's all part of the process I guess so I was just following along.
After that I met with the Doctor. She just checked to see if things were growing properly and I had some blood tests done.
It was a good experience and also a strange reality at the same time knowing that I actually DID have something growing in there!