Monday, September 14, 2009


My Grammy's name is SANDRA, and she passed away 3 years ago. Months before I was even pregnant I had this dream about her...I was at Mayfair Mall and Grammy was on the bottom floor just standing there kind of looking around. I was on the top floor and I saw her so I yelled down to her..."GRAMMY look!" I held up this big baby and said, "You're a Great Grandma...her name is Rosalie Sandra!" She looked up and smiled and nodded.

I thought it was a cool dream, and kind of weird that a whole name just came out of my mouth! Maybe it was a premonition or something. But if it's a girl I think I will name her that...and she will have a pretty cool story behind her name and about her Great Grandma!


  1. Your blog looks FANTASTIC! I'm looking forward to following you on your journey. Love you LOTS - Auntie Karen

  2. Erin - what an awesome dream ;) and beautiful name choice if you choose to go with that one:) I'm so happy you have embraced this amazing new journey! you and chuck will be great parents :) I look forward to following your journey!
