Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wee Willy Winky...er...I mean, it's a BOY!

I'm not sure if you can see this very well, but this is a picture of the baby's goods. If you can see...the two legs are pointing upwards on either side and his "wee willy winky" is right in between. Can you see it? It's a BOY!

The Doctor was funny. She said, "Oh yeah here are it's two legs. Do you see that in between his legs? That's a penis. YUP, it's definately a BOY!"

So that was a suprise. I for sure was thinking I was going to have a GIRL. But that's okay, I'm happy and very excited!

She took about 20 pictures! Everything looks good, it's heart, kidneys, lips, arms, legs, eyes and everything is very healthy and normal! It's really neat to see the picture of my own little baby. It will be exciting to see what it looks like when it is born!

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