Wednesday, January 27, 2010

31 weeks!

This is me about to go swimming at 31 weeks. I'm still feeling good and still have a lot of energy. I can feel a lot of movement almost all of the time. He rolls and kicks a lot. It's a cool feeling. Every once in a while I can feel a lump somewhere in my tummy...and I wonder what body part it is.
Chuck and I went to this Childbirth Preparation class. It went over a lot of things that happen when you go into labor and what to expect afterwards as well. She went over things like relaxation techniques (no we didn't do any of that weird breathing), and pain management options. She also talked about things to expect from the doctors and other things that go on with your body. It was interesting.
I get a lot of comments about my tummy. One older woman asked me if I was having twins. NO! I'm not having twins! I measure exactly how I should be.
Jenny likes to touch my tummy a lot. She is feeling it now as I type this. It is fun for her to feel her little nephew moving around. Especially the bigger he gets the more pronounced the movements are. She would probably sit there all day if we didn't have things to do. Sometimes she talks to him by putting her face on my tummy and says "HI BABY!" It's cute.
My next doctor's appointment is February 1st so there will be more to come.

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute! I'm glad things are going well! I think about you a lot! Tell that sweet little boy hi from his Southern aunt Kalie! :) I can't believe he is almost here!!!
