Friday, March 12, 2010

The Final Four (37 weeks)

"The Final Four" Chuck likes this title because this is the month for the Final Four Basketball Tournaments. But really this is Baby's final four weeks until his birthday (we'll see if he's on time.)

My 37 week check up was just another quick one. She listened for the heartbeat, he was moving around a lot again, and she checked for his position...still head down!

She also said that if he was born at 37 weeks he would be considered full term. So pretty much it could happen at any time...but I don't think so. My guess is that he's going to be late. She guessed that he would be about 8 or maybe a little less pounds when he's born. That is a good healthy size! I guessed March 28th 2:24pm 8lbs. 3oz. But I sorta think he will be later than that...but it's a Sunday and that would be good because Chuck and I both have off that day...HEAR THAT BABY?? hehe!

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