Friday, March 12, 2010


I'm feeling excited. I think about baby a lot...because it is getting closer and also because he moves around A LOT!! Even right now! I try to take advantage of feeling my stomach as much as possible now because I will not feel that in another 2 or maybe more weeks. It's way cool and hard to believe that there is a little human in there. HAHA!! CRAZY!! I know babies look small when they are born but compared to where they came from (inside a womens uterus) THEY ARE BIG! How do they really have room to be comfortable? They are all bunched up in there but it must be nice cuz it's quiet, dark and warm.

When I was working a woman came in with her 3 day old baby who was born at 37 weeks. She was so cute. She was a perfect looking baby. It was interesting to think that she could have still been inside the womb at that time yet that's what she looked like...a baby ready to be born. If that makes any sense at all. I mean when I feel my baby move around they are such rolly-polly movements and I just want to know what he's doing and what he looks like! YEAY it's exciting!! I want to kiss him! :)

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